Wanted: Stories about Middle Easterners!


My last blog promised that on January 4 I would tell you about my plan for “carrying on”  my effort to be a positive influence in this violent world.  And here it is.

This is an invitation to you, a regular or occasional reader of my blog.  I want to encourage you to write stories about Middle Easterners you have known. I am ready to post your stories on this website.

My goal is simply to present the true human face of the Arabic world: Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Morocco, all the North African countries,the Gulf states,Saudi, Yemen,  all of it.  Whether you are an American or a Middle Easterner yourself, you are invited to participate. You don’t have to be a great writer.  What I want is just true and honest stories.

Your subject could be a resident of any country in the Arab world or an immigrant.  He/she could be at home or a refugee, a peacemaker or a fighter, young or old, Muslim or Christian, rich or poor, lovable or irritating, a success or a failure, living or deceased.

I encourage you to write about interesting people, memorable characters, someone you admire, or  someone who makes you laugh. I especially want stories that illustrate the culture and values of the people. Don’t try to tell us anybody’s whole life story. Revealing anecdotes are best.  Our readers will like stories that show how the Arabs are just like us and they will also appreciate stories about how they are different. It takes all kinds of stories to bring out the whole truth, so any story could be important.

Letting me know in advance about your intention to write is not absolutely necessary but would help me to manage the project. Send your stories to me as email attachments to this address: frances0516@att.net.

Of course, I must reserve the right to choose the stories I will use.  I may also do some editing, in which  case I will return it to you for approval before publishing.  In the case of really sensitive information, I may accept to print a story without naming the author, but I prefer that your story bear your name.  This will help us to stay factual and honest (no fiction, please). So please include your name as you want to be identified, along with your entry.

Of course I will still write but guest blogs will add an exciting dimension to our thoughts. I hope you will value the opportunity to see your stories on the website, and I hope that together we can help our readers to see the many faces of people of the Middle East.

I acknowledge that many of you can not do this, but you too can help simply by reading the stories and spreading those that you think increase understanding.  Just pass them on in any way that you are able or maybe send other people to the website.  Also you can give us feedback.  Encourage the writers by letting them know that you like their stories.

My ultimate purpose is to promote peace and good will among the people of the world.  I believe that you want that too, so I have decided to turn this website into a venue for influence greater than my own.

Start thinking.  I am ready to see your stories.

Posted in lebanon, Middle East.

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