Remember Yemen

If you are a praying person:

Remember Yemen.

Recent reports from several news sources tell us that in Yemen, the poorest nation in the Arab world, one of the poorest in the world, seven million civilians are threatened by a developing famine. In addition there is a cholera epidemic that has already infected 300,000 people, two thousand of whom have died. The International Red Cross predicts that 600,000 could be infected by the end of the year.

The direct cause of this humanitarian crisis is civil war, a war in which Saudi Arabia, the wealthiest in the region and one of the wealthiest in the world, participates, using American arms. The country has also suffered many drone attacks as the U.S. attempts to kill the families of terrorist leaders.

Sixty percent of the country is now food-insecure, and more than half the population lacks access to safe drinking water. A child dies from preventable causes on the average of once every 10 minutes in Yemen.

If any of my readers have personal information out of Yemen, anything that would help us to understand or to pray, please pass it on to me.

Posted in Middle East, war.

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