A Personal Letter


This is a very personal letter to those of you who followed my blog last year.

Some of you will remember receiving an email (which I did not post) telling you that I was taking a break for an indefinite period of time because of the serious illness of my husband. Subsequently, the suspicion of pancreatic cancer was confirmed, and I began devoting my time and energy completely to his care. He both needed and deserved all that I could give him, and it was never a burden.

On June 2, he left us, suddenly and easily (for him), because his heart failed.

So…in this interim since last blogging, I have worked hard and grieved much and received uncountable, unexpected blessings. I also learned many things.

I did not lose interest in the Middle East, nor stop caring about the cause of peace. And now that I am often alone with my thoughts, I do want to write again and become involved once more in the things I used to do.

This is difficult because of the lost momentum. Writing clearly about deep subjects may be harder after months without practice. I also may not find again the readers who are ready to think about my words.

On the other hand, undertaking a big project is easy because I am accustomed to my own independent life and the freedom to pursue my interests. Wayne always gave me that, and I feel his support now.

With the hope that you have not forgotten me and with confidence that the world needs our voice, I will attempt to return to blogging. Some of my blogs, specifically those promoting a U.S. Department of Peace, will be turned into news releases in order to reach a wider audience.

If you sincerely want to encourage me, you can click the “like” button on this page.

If you need encouragement yourself, reading either or both of the last two articles on this blog page might help.

May God bless and keep you,

Frances Fuller







Posted in Middle East, war.

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